Tax Scales

payroll manages calculation of withholding tax seamlessly. The payrun performs an automatic tax calculation, which can be altered to account for rebates, variations, HECS and other exceptions which may be required by an employee. The automatic tax calculations may be overridden during the payrun, and manual or additional contributions can be made as required.

This section discusses withholding tax in payroll. For information on state payroll tax, see the section on states.

Viewing Tax Scales:

payroll stores tax scales for each financial year which has been processed in the system. The automatic tax calculation will use whichever set of tax scales matches the current financial year. To see which tax scales are currently installed:

  1. From Navigator select Company | Maintain company | Country Definitions.
  2. Expand the country in which you are operating.
  3. Expand the Tax Scales node to see a list of the various tax scales which are available.
  4. Expand a tax scale to see all financial years for which that tax scale has been installed. The system will automatically use the set of scales which match the current financial year.
  5. Select the current financial year to see the break points for that tax scale.

These figures have been provided by the ATO and should never need to be updated manually.

Tax Scales Wizard:

You will never need to enter tax scales manually. Whenever the ATO release new tax scales, the HR3 support team will release a program update containing the new scales. The latest tax scales are always available to download from the HR3 website.

Updating tax scales affects only the current company. This means that if you have more than one company in your database, you can safely perform each update separately.

To update your tax scales at the end of a financial year, use the year end wizard. To update tax scales in a new company, use the Company creation wizard. At other times, you can use the Tax Scales Wizard using one of the two methods outlined below: